In order to automate this process, I created, which is a command-line version of the GIMP plug-in, and, which is a Bash script for use from a Terminal on Mac. The Bash script invokes the plug-in.
Unzip into a folder called "frames-1080p".
Let's say you saved all these to your Desktop folder. To process all the images, from a Terminal, run:
$ cd ~/Desktop $ chmod 700 $ ./ -t frames-1080p
This will generate a couple of "done" frames inside the frames-1080p folder. Look for files with "done" in the name. The -t means test mode, which will just do a couple of frames so you can look at the output and see if it looks good.
I use -t to save time, allowing me to examine the "done" frames and to make adjustments to the plug-in code to fine tune things. Then, once I'm happy with the output, I run it without the -t, which will process all the remaining frames:
$ ./ frames-1080p
Or for 10 threads...
$ ./ -n 10 frames-1080p
Lastly, to reassemble the processed frames into a video, use the popular program ffmpeg. Here's the command to turn the frames above into a video:
$ ffmpeg -f image2 -r 30 -s 1080x1080 -i frames-1080p/frame-%03d.done.png -y -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4
This creates a video called "output.mp4", which you can play to view your results!
The methods in that are named like "f_xxx_yyy" are the methods that set values for each frame # from xxx to yyy. Experiment with those to change the effects themselves. For example, changing:
def f_093_109(self): self.ringsColor = self.animate(self.white, self.darkBlue) ...
def f_093_109(self): self.ringsColor = self.animate(self.white, ...
will result in red disc rings near the end.