Back to the Grid: 40 Years of TRON

Sep 23, 2022

Related: Bruce Boxleitner Attends D23 Expo to Celebrate TRON’s 40th Anniversary

Greetings, programs!

Fun was had by all at the D23 panel Back to the Grid: 40 Years of TRON on September 11, 2022. Below is full video of the panel, along with two of my favorites photos!

Watch on YouTube
Back to the Grid: 40 Years of TRON: Mike Bonifer, Juju Green, Donald Kushner, Harrison Ellenshaw, David Fleming as Flynn, Richard Winn Taylor II, John Scheele, Bruce Boxleitner, Glenn Campbell, Carol Green, Scot Drake
Back to the Grid: 40 Years of TRON: Mike Bonifer, Juju Green, Donald Kushner, Harrison Ellenshaw, David Fleming as Flynn, Richard Winn Taylor II, John Scheele, Bruce Boxleitner, Glenn Campbell, Carol Green, Scot Drake
Me & the fans at D23's "Back to the Grid: 40 Years of TRON"
Me & the fans at D23's "Back to the Grid: 40 Years of TRON"